Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Building link popularity with social networking!

In 2008, in my opinion you really started to see business turn to blogging and other social networking platforms as a means of increasing organic search traffic and converting more business.

After Google announced their new position on link schemes clients’ website ranking started to fall due to lack of link popularity. We quickly realized Google was still giving good rankings to social network links.

So we began to launch blogs and on other social network platforms with titles targeting specific keywords that our client knows its prospects are using to search. Long experienced with PPC, most of our clients already had a handle on which keywords drive the highest conversions. After just a few weeks we started to see our clients web sites return to the top of the Google search engines results.

Today many websites are no longer appearing in blended search results for key and common phrases related to their business. You might want to consider using social networks to replace those reciprocal links it works well and has a number of other benefits.

I wish you successful marketing
Franklyn from Franklyns Bay

1 comment:

  1. I recently began learning about internet marketing and am amazed how many people just don't really understand the power of using the internet. With all the hype the masses of people try to sell a product with duplicated company websites and old school ideas. Even websites have taken on a new twist. Someone recently told me a blog is not a website and social media sites like twitter is just a time waster only for connecting with friends and family. They really don't get it!

    A blog can be presented as a marketing showpiece and combined successfully with twitter and other sites can be a traffic goldmine. It is all about strategy and offering people solutions to problems. Besides bringing financial rewards it is also a great way to meet other people including possible joint venture partners! Right on Franklyn!

    Bonnie Smith-Silvia
    Bonifide Realty
    Daytona, Fla.
